Dating App Photos For Guys

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Ashley Batz/Bustle

When you're single and looking to mingle, there's absolutely no shame in turning to online dating (aka the ol' millennial standby) to help you find someone. There's also no shame in doing some research to figure out how to get more matches on dating apps — because putting a little time and effort upfront into updating your dating profile can really pay off in the long run. One thing that can seriously make all the difference? Knowing what kinds of pictures to use on dating apps, and which ones are better left to collect virtual dust on your old Photobucket account.

Dating Profile Example # 3: Movie quote. Referencing movies or tv shows is a really great way to engage on a dating app. Even though you’re strangers, you’re already connected through this shared social consciousness, so swipers will automatically feel positively towards you. A recent Hinge study confirmed some fairly obvious dating app picture tips. It also had some findings that users weren’t expecting. One of these surprises is that photos of men facing forward were 102% more likely to receive a like than your average photo. Perhaps because a man distracted by a butterfly is only showing a portion of his face.

'I like to call dating app photos 'prime advertising space,' Meredith Davis, Head of Communications at dating app The League, tells Bustle. 'On The League, you only have up to six photos to advertise what is important to you whether that be family, sports, travel, etc. Rather than trying to optimize for the most hearts, I always suggest trying to optimize for the right hearts. The people with similar passions or interests as you will get excited about potentially matching if they see that you also enjoy hiking, cooking, or hanging out with your family.'

In the fast-paced world of online dating, first impressions make a big difference, and the photos you choose should say something about who you are. So if you feel like you need to hit refresh on your dating profile, here are 11 hacks for making the most of your profile pics — and hopefully raking in even more matches as a result.

When you see your mom this upcoming Mother's Day, you might want to press pause on brunch to ask her to pose for a few pictures with you: according to new data from The League, users who have at least one photo with their mom saw a seven percent higher match rate than those without. Because who doesn't want a date who appreciates their mama?


According to a 2016 study from Tinder — which analyzed 12,000 photographs from users aged 18 to 40 from multiple major U.S. metro cities — you're better off ditching hats and glasses in your dating app pics. Users wearing glasses in a profile picture (prescription or sunglasses) were 15 percent less likely to be right-swiped; for those wearing a hat, their chances of being swiped right on decreased by 12 percent.

If your goal is to attract a mate (or just a date) online, you might want to take a leaf from the peacock's book and flaunt some brightly colored attire in your dating app pics. According to the Tinder study, 72 percent of Tinder users opt for outfits in neutral colors like black, white, or beige in their profile pictures — which means if you wear something bright, you'll be more likely to stand out (and hopefully catch a cutie's eye).

If you're camera shy, coming up with more than one or two good photos of yourself for your dating apps can be tough — but it's totally worth the effort if you want more matches.

'I would encourage users to provide multiple shots that feature them in different ways, such as a full-length shot, a shot from the waist up, etc.,' Dr. Jess Carbino, Bumble Sociologist (formerly Tinder Sociologist), tells Bustle. 'You should be providing different perspectives of who you are in all facets.'

According to Hinge's 2017 Profile Picture Report, 80 percent of Hinge users' profile pictures were posed — but those that werecandid were 15 percent more likely to be liked by other users. Some practical advice? Have a handful of both candids and posed shots to get the best of both worlds and wow everyone.

Although it's not a good idea to have *only* group photos on your dating apps (no one can tell who's who!), having a couple shots of you and your friends enjoying a night out can go a long way. Hinge's Profile Picture Report found that pictures of users having fun with their friends somewhere were 74 percent more likely to get a like.

You might have put a lot of hard work into learning how to perfectly smize, but a regular old smile might be more beneficial for your dating profile: the Hinge Profile Picture Report found that photos of users showing off their pearly whites were 23 percent more likely to be liked.

You might typically be Team #NoFilter, but trying out a black and white filter for one (but not all) of your dating app pictures might not be a bad idea. According to the Hinge Profile Picture Report, although only three percent of users' pictures were black and white, those that were were 106 times more likely to be liked than color photos — talk about good odds!

If sports are your thing, you're in luck: the Hinge data found that photos of users playing a sport or doing something athletic performed 75 percent better than the average, non-sporty photo. If you need me, I'll be over here editing donuts out of my pictures and replacing them with basketballs.

In a 2017 study to see if travel photos fare better than other dating app photos, Hinge analyzed around 180,000 user photos and found that, while only 3.4 percent of were of travel, those that were received 30 percent morelikes. There you have it: a ready-made excuse to book a plane ticket to the exotic locale of your dreams, all in the name of boosting your dating profile.

Fake dating app pictures for guys

If you're wondering what you should absolutely not do in your dating app pics, here are the biggest no-nos, courtesy of the Hinge Profile Picture Report: wearing sunglasses, using Snapchat filters, posing with a possible significant other, beach photos, and selfies — particularly bathroom selfies.

Best online dating photos for guys

Ultimately, the trick to getting more matches online is simple: don't be afraid to make a real connection, and always be your most authentic self. So upload whichever photos make you feel like your best, most beautiful self, and watch as the matches roll in!

Fake Dating App Pictures For Guys

One of the biggest anxieties that comes with crafting a perfect dating profile is how to represent yourself.

As vain as it probably sounds, appearance is everything. While we want to make sure we're always displaying our best self when curating a profile, it's more about the way your photos are presented that can make or break the likes you're getting.

I'm talking things like awkward angles, hazy filters and intense scenery that can impact your potential matches.

Relationship app Hinge just released data from an in-depth study that pinpoints exactly what 'type' of profile picture will ultimately get you the most likes (and hopefully, the most dates).

Data scientists created an algorithm targeting 35 specific photo tags (like whether your hair is up or down, or if you're showing teeth or not) throughout a random selection of profile pictures.

The final numbers pulled were able to tell what the best approach should be when aiming to be authentic.

“Since Hinge profiles are designed to show off our Members' personalities, we want to help them put their best foot forward with their photos,” says Hinge spokesperson Jean-Marie McGrath. “Now we can tell them which photos they should share and which they should probably keep to themselves”

If you couldn't already guess, things like wearing sunglasses (especially indoors, you weirdo), adding a Snapchat filter and posing with someone who could be confused for a partner are all bad ideas when it comes to photo selection.

People want to see the 'real' you, not someone with their face obscured... or with fake puppy ears.

Nor do they want to pick you out of a line-up. You should be representing yourself to the best of your ability. Showing a smile, enjoying a night out and participating in sports are all ways of doing that, according to Hinge's report.

Photo tips for women

For all you ladies out there, get that hair out of your face and you'll be 27 percent more likely to get a like.

You'll also be 76 percent more likely to get liked if you show off those pearly whites, and 69 percent more inclined to be liked if you are standing alone.

Apparently, side profiles are a great tactic as well, since you're 74 percent more likely to get that like if you're looking away.

Photo tips for men

For guys, it's a different story.

Forget looking away, because we want to stare deep into your soul. You'll be 102 percent more likely to be liked if you're staring straight ahead.

You'll also end up swimming in matches if you give us a coy grin without teeth, and if you're hanging out by yourself in the picture.

What photos will get you a lot of likes

Hinge also pulled information that highlighted what clearly works for profile pictures and what is probably keeping you single.

An avid basketball fan? Love a good game of tennis? How 'bout water polo?


Honestly, probably doesn't matter. Sports photos just work, with women 166 percent more likely to catch a guy's attention with a sports-centric photo, and men 45 percent more likely to catch a woman's attention with a sports-centric photo.

Photos in the moment work wonders, with candids being 15 percent more likely to help you get a like on Hinge.

That also goes for the minimally used black and white photo.

The artsy nature of a picture like is actually 106 percent more likely to have you receiving like... after like... after like, if used on your profile.

What photos will get you barely any likes

Stay off the sand! It turns out beach photos do nothing for your image, with both men and women less inclined to get likes if they're frolicking by the ocean.

The same could be said for the amount of selfies you post. That solo photo is 40 percent less likely to get a like in comparison to, let's say, a regular picture taken like a normal person.

And make sure you stay far, far away from your toilet. Bathroom selfies are 90 percent less likely to receive any likes (for obvious reasons).

Best Photos For Dating App

So, if you're in the midst of a dating drought, just follow the guidelines above. Setting yourself with the best profile pictures possible will catch someone's eye without having you coming off fake and superficial.

Dating App Photos For Guys

Hinge is '4x more effective at getting dates onto dates' so clearly, they know what they're talking about.